ANGLE VALVE. Jamesbury 2" 5RNT-3600TT50. T/G. SS. Teflon. w/1/4" Bleed Hole in Ball (Carbon Dioxide Service)

ANGLE VALVE. Jamesbury 2" 5RNT-3600TT50. T/G. SS. Teflon. w/1/4" Bleed Hole in Ball (Carbon Dioxide Service)
Tank Car Valves
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If you have questions or would prefer to talk to an Eagle representative, please contact us.

Adam Thacker

Corporate Inventory Manager

Office: (254) 629-1718

Direct: (903) 884-7461

Cell: (903) 736-9849

Jr. Jimenez

Corporate Supply Chain Manager

Office: (325) 766-6048

Direct: (325) 766-3313

Cell: (325) 439-1362